Hi,I just happened onto your webpage.I was a little suprised someone put up a page like that but agree 100% with how crooked the police there are.I used to go to Japer alot,about every couple weeks and stay at my in laws for a weekend or so.But they moved so i haven't been down there for a couple years.I don't know about the new sherriff,he sounds pretty bad and I know the old one was rotten to the core.I was railroaded on a charge there a few years ago[simple fistfight,the guy claimed I hit him with something when it was just my fist]and got to spend a few days in their nice little jail.The police wouldn't let me get a bail bondsman.They acted as the bondsman a stole my money.There was one deputy that treated me decent,the rest were real jerks.All together,bond money,lawyer money,the guy's doctor bills I was out around $10,000 .So I kind of feel I got screwed.Anyway,what I was wondering do you think the police would give a copy of my police records in Jasper.I would kind of like to have them to prove a point to somebody,so they would believe my side of the story.I didn't know if a person could have access to their own records or not and thought you'd know more about this than I would.The incident occured back in 2000 so it's been awhile.Anyway,other than that I really like newton county, I thought your webpage was pretty interesting and hopefully something will be done about the crooks they have in there.
In order to get a police report you simply need to ask the police department. However, if they refuse to by 'claiming' it is still under investigation file a Freedom of Information Act form. It is simple to do using this link: http://www.rcfp.org/foi_letter/generate.php They will charge you a small fee. You must be persistent, it took me almost a year before they released mine.
Hi,I just happened onto your webpage.I was a little suprised someone put up a page like that but agree 100% with how crooked the police there are.I used to go to Japer alot,about every couple weeks and stay at my in laws for a weekend or so.But they moved so i haven't been down there for a couple years.I don't know about the new sherriff,he sounds pretty bad and I know the old one was rotten to the core.I was railroaded on a charge there a few years ago[simple fistfight,the guy claimed I hit him with something when it was just my fist]and got to spend a few days in their nice little jail.The police wouldn't let me get a bail bondsman.They acted as the bondsman a stole my money.There was one deputy that treated me decent,the rest were real jerks.All together,bond money,lawyer money,the guy's doctor bills I was out around $10,000 .So I kind of feel I got screwed.Anyway,what I was wondering do you think the police would give a copy of my police records in Jasper.I would kind of like to have them to prove a point to somebody,so they would believe my side of the story.I didn't know if a person could have access to their own records or not and thought you'd know more about this than I would.The incident occured back in 2000 so it's been awhile.Anyway,other than that I really like newton county, I thought your webpage was pretty interesting and hopefully something will be done about the crooks they have in there.
In order to get a police report you simply need to ask the police department. However, if they refuse to by 'claiming' it is still under investigation file a Freedom of Information Act form. It is simple to do using this link: http://www.rcfp.org/foi_letter/generate.php
They will charge you a small fee. You must be persistent, it took me almost a year before they released mine.
Good Luck,
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