Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Animal abuse

Did any one read this?

Two suspects are charged with severely beating dogs in the small town of Hasty, Arkansas in Newton County.

The whole thing was caught on tape and those who have seen the tape say it's one of the most disturbing things they've ever seen.

A 41-year-old man and 15-year-old boy videotaped themselves shocking small dogs with a cattle prod, so badly some of those dogs started bleeding. Both are now behind bars in Harrison, Arkansas.

41-year-old Larry Cummings is charged with two counts of animal cruelty and one count of residential burglary. His accomplice, that 15-year-old boy, is charged with the very same crimes.

The Newton County sheriff's department says it arrested the two last week after the tape surfaced in another unrelated trial. That tape shows four different scenes that shows the suspects abusing small dogs.

In one scene, Cummings apparently enters the dog pen and uses a cattle prod to repeatedly shock a small white dog. Other scenes show dogs shocked with their mouths open. The juvenile is also seen repeatedly kicking and stomping other dogs.

The Humane Society of the United States is using this case as an example of why Arkansas needs stricter animal cruelty laws. And that's something Newton County, Arkansas Sheriff Keith Slape agrees with.

"As a sheriff, yes I do. I feel they should. In the state of Arkansas, they're considered misdemeanors. But the animal cruelty that we've seen in Madison County, Newton County and some other counties that have had this problem this year were disturbing enough to be a felony charge in my opinion." says Slape.

The abuse happened on a relative's property of that 15-year-old suspect. The actual tape dates back to November 2007, when these alleged activities took place.

NEIGHBORS SAY THEY FIRST REPORTED THE ANIMAL CRUELTY BACK IN FEBRUARY (2008). The sheriff's department confirms that, but didn't have the resources to investigate.



Is anyone noticing a pattern here? What the hell are Slape and Barbalace doing anyway? It seems like everyone else has to solve our crimes! The FBI with the murders, the feds investigating. What are we paying extra to Barbalace for????

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Last I heard they reported there was going to be a tour of the jail so the voters would understand why they needed more money. I think we should start charging admission - the Sheriff could run a haunted house instead of a tour for Halloween.

Maybe the reason we don't have the crime stats is because Slape doesn't want everyone to know that spending extra money on hiring extra cops (outsiders, no less) isn't paying off.

How come the newspapers aren't talking about this?